AQUILA VERA is one of our Advanced Trainers:
“Everyone who is in touch with kids would benefit from this training… As adults we are so caught up in our own way of life and we impose that on children, but when we learn to get in touch with our own inner child it helps the children we work with…to process things in play”.

NOKUTENDA took part in our training in 2019:
“These skills are essential for life because they do not only work for children…but we were learning as well. (In Zimbabwe) there are a lot of unsettling things going on and when it comes to children we do not give them that platform. We are taught in our culture you do not tell an adult what you feel…but here it is child directed, the child leads and we need to give them that space.”

A Connected Family Support Group Participant:
I thought I signed up for this course to help me understand my daughter better. I wanted to be able to help her through some of the hurts I know she carries in her heart. What I didn’t realize was that I was going to find healing for the hurts I carried too. This group helped me be a better wife, mother, sister and friend. I wish I had known about it earlier.

A Making Sense of Your Worth Participant:
I did not fully know what I was signing up for when Regina invited me to join Making Sense of Your Worth. I was nervous to show up for the first week until I met the other women and they welcomed me. We had all lived different lives but we were able to let go of the lies that were holding us back. I wish I had this course when I was in high school, I think my life would have been very different. You will work hard and you will be happy you did.

A Revive Community Member:
I stumbled into my very first Revive meeting in 2016, spiritually dead and entirely unsure of what to expect. But very quickly I realized that I was in exactly the right place! My whole life I had spent feeling separate, apart, alone and different; making bad decision after bad decision and my life had become completely unmanageable, actually, it was chaos, and that night, at my first Revive meeting, I realized I was not alone. There were other people who felt the same as me, only they were speaking with strength and hope. They had a solution to the chaos. And I wanted what they had. I walked into that little room, over four years ago, looking for healing, and I did find it after lots of hard work, but more importantly, I had found my tribe and for the first time in my life, genuine connection. Regina and Nyasha have become my family. They have stood by me in the darkest of days, advocated for me through tons of mess, and cheered me on through the joys and successes. The Revive community have cried together and laughed together. We have become a safe place for each other to be real and authentic. I am grateful beyond measure for the love and support (and often brutal truths) which quite simply, have saved my life through this incredible ministry. I am never alone, never again.

A Connected Family Coaching Participant:
We have hired coaches at gym, for our business and for our kid’s sport, we never thought we might need one of our parenting. When things got tough for our family, we were introduced to Regina. She has met us in our darkest moments and brought truth and light to help us find our way through. We might have saved ourselves some pain if we signed up sooner.

"Imagine a world where every child's hurt, every child's cry and every child's need is met by a loving adult."

Dr Karyn Purvis

Photo By: Kevin Warn

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