Meet Nyasha Chari, Nyasha grew up in Chitungwiza, 20kms outside Harare, and his exceptional ability at cricket secured him a scholarship to the prestigious Prince Edward High School in the capital. He played for the Zimbabwe national teams throughout high school and then played professional cricket for seven years, before attending Bible college whilst managing a transport company. Meanwhile, Regina had moved to M’khoshana, just outside Victoria Falls to work with hurting children. Regina was in the process of relocating to Harare when she met Nyasha, who began to join her in spending time in the abandoned baby unit of a hospital near their church. Their conversations during these precious times with the babies shaped their relationship and their dreams for their future together.
Nyasha and Regina married in 2013. They joined River of Life Church in Harare, and are now part of the pastoral team, Vivienne was born in January 2015, and their adopted daughter Ruth immediately fell in love with being a big sister! The whole Chari family loves serving orphaned and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. Ruth enjoys finding creative games to play in nurture groups with young children and both the girls love making calm-down bottles and stress balls for kids to use to help them focus! They love collecting and organizing supplies for Healing Play Camp. They both serve as helpers during camp week and throughout the year they advocate for families for orphaned children.
Nyasha is now the Director of Refuge: Zimbabwe and also works for The Bible Project. Regina is the Associate Director and leads Refuge’s partnership with
Twelve12Hope, as a global trainer for caregivers around the world.
Nyasha and Regina are most proud of the intentional way their family loves God and serves His desire to see the lonely put in families.
Our Partners:
The Michael Project,
Our Board:
Natalie Merritt,
Amanda Schaffert,
Tapiwa Mugadza,
Deborah Scheneman
There is an estimated 1.5 million orphans in Zimbabwe, only 3,900 placed in orphanages and less than 15 adoptions completed on average each year.